Critique Packages

Partial Critique (1st 50 pages)

  • In-line comments and edits

    An edit letter with notes on how to make your opening stronger and clearer (usually 5-13 pages)

  • This is the right package for you if you’re concerned about your opening and want an extra pair of fresh eyes to see what’s working and what needs help.

    I can tell a lot about your book and especially your writing in fifty pages! I’ll give a lot of concrete feedback you can apply to the rest of your book.

    If you have a high word count and are looking on ways to trim, I can show you easy ways to cut 5-15k words without ever changing any of your plot. I love slashing word count for smoother, snappier scenes!

  • 1-2 Weeks

  • $150

Reader Report

  • One read-through of the manuscript and a thorough edit letter.

    I will address topics like pacing, character development, world logic, plot, and common grammar mistakes.

  • This is the best fit for newer writers or for early drafts. Intense edits can be overwhelming at an earlier stage, but an overview can be exactly what you need to improve your writing.

    This is also for writers on a budget that need an experienced eye on their story.

    This is the right fit for writers who might worry:

    “How does my book come across to readers?”

    “I need a competent beta who I can trust to give me usable feedback.”

    “I don’t know what to do with this book I just wrote.”

    “Does my plot make sense?”

    “Where do I even start with my revisions?”

  • 3-5 Weeks

  • .004/per word (up to 160k words)

Full Manuscript Critique

  • My critiques are a blend of developmental and line edits (a type of 2-in-1).

    I will provide in-line comments consisting of squealing over things that work well and notes on what could be improved. I love to give in-depth edits on the readability of your sentences. While I correct basic grammar issues, I am not a copy editor.

    I’ll also complete an edit letter on everything from the setting, character development, pacing, sentence structure flow, and more (usually 8-15 pages).

  • This is for the writers who want someone to get into the weeds with them. 

    For writers who might worry: 

    “How does this character come across?” 

    “My word count is too high, and I don’t know how to lower it.”

    “Is this fight scene confusing?” 

    “The whole middle of my book feels slow, but I don’t know how to fix it.”

    A developmental edit isn’t actually necessary for those pursuing traditional publishing, but it can be very beneficial for anyone who wants specific and experienced feedback on their manuscript.

    So I am here if you need me, and I promise to give my all to you. My edits are always designed with the writer’s growth and improvement in mind.

  • 4-6 Weeks

  • .018/per word (up to 150k words)

Query Help

Stand out in agents’ slush piles with an exciting, unique, and clear pitch for your book. You can mix and match these services to fit your needs.

  • $15

    Includes two rounds of edits

  • $50

    This is for the query letter and the first 10 pages.

    I make extensive line-edits and comments to ensure your package is as shiny and solid as possible.

    I always include an edit letter that is 3+ pages.

  • $25

    I am an expert at trimming a synopsis to fit the 1-2 page length requirements. I’ll also make sure your plot points flow in a logical and easy-to-read manner.


  • "Jessica's critique of my first 10 pages and my query were SPOT ON. She got right to the heart of the issues and offered brilliant suggestions. I feel so much better about my query and pages because I know they are dynamite. No exaggeration - I got an offer of rep only a few days after querying."

    —Sarah Rowlands

  • "I have worked on several books with Jessica now, and I cannot recommend her highly enough. Her developmental feedback is always insightful and sharp, and her knack for romantic arcs and pacing is excellent. Not only have her critiques helped me grow as a writer, but her enthusiasm and kindness makes the revision feel manageable no matter how much editing is required. She’s a reader at heart, and her love of story and character makes her an incomparable resource for any writer."

    —Jessica S. Olson, author of A Forgery of Roses and Sing Me Forgotten

  • "Jessica was such a pleasure to work with! She balances her feedback with genuine encouragement, applause, and experienced critique. Her notes go the extra mile, often giving multiple examples, catching reoccurring issues, and offering creative solutions. Her credibility is clear through her instruction and suggestions. She champions the writing as a true coach and has helped me see exactly what I need to do to improve my manuscript. I plan to run my future projects by her as well!"

    —Sarah L.

  • "Jessica has an incredible eye for story. Her deep understanding of narrative structure, world building, and astute attention to detail are only outdone by her unparalleled work ethic. I’ve been so fortunate to have her as a critique partner on several of my books. I highly recommend her editorial services especially for writers who can’t quite figure out what’s not working in their story. She will wow you!"

    —J. Elle, author of the NYT and international bestselling House of Marionne

  • "Jessica’s passion and dedication to a project is unmatched. She really takes on your work as if it’s her niece/nephew book with how much she is willing to give. She has a great eye for all the big things writers struggle with, namely helping you line edit, tighten up word count and solve pacing issues—both overall and scene by scene! Plus her in-line feedback is encouraging (sometimes squealy!) if not downright funny! 10/10 would recommend!"

    —Lindsay Puckett, author of The Odds and The Glass Witch

  • "Jessica's feedback was immensely helpful in strengthening my query letter and first ten pages. Her notes were specific and actionable, and her suggestions improved my pitch so much! I feel way more prepared to enter the query trenches, and highly recommend her services to anyone beginning the querying process!"

    —Samantha Meyer

  • Jessica's expertise was invaluable! She edited a portion of my book to help me polish and tighten up my story and her knowledge about writing a query letter saved me so much stress! I was completely lost on how to start one and together, we got a query completed that I feel really good about! She's worth every penny!

    —Bonnie Kaemingk

  • “Jessica Froberg is an experienced and sincere editor who leaves no stone unturned. With Froberg, you can trust that your manuscript is in good hands.”


  • "I found Jessica at a time when I was lost in the query trenches, desperate for help with my query letter, synopsis and early chapters of my book. As someone who came to the writing process without any formal training, her steady guidance, caring patience, discerning eye, and thoughtful insights have been invaluable, I feel incredibly lucky to have found her. If there is a story inside you that you've been waiting to tell, and if you have the drive and dedication, working with Jessica will absolutely make you a better writer. Jessica is a true gift for creatives out there looking to find their voice."

    —Jake Robinson

  • "What I really appreciate about working with Jessica is her high standards, work ethic and personal compassion. She is knowledgeable and shares her wisdom without coming off as arrogant or a know it all. She directs questions to uncover the heart of the story so you can drill down to the essentials. She is so easy to work with and always includes laughter to make the whole process enjoyable. I would highly recommend Jessica!"

    —Shannon MacKinnon

  • "I'd been on the fence about seeking editorial feedback on my query package for weeks and I am incredibly glad that I hired Jessica. We worked out a custom package to include my query letter, synopsis, and first 10 pages. When I expressed my anxiety around sharing my work, Jessica quickly put me at ease with her constructively phrased feedback, praise about what worked well, education on why something wasn't working, and genuine excitement about my story. Her input was invaluable and my materials are far stronger now. If anyone needs a confidence boost from a discerning eye, I cannot recommend Jessica's editorial services enough."

    —Taylor Leigh

  • "Jessica was great! She worked quickly and thoroughly and paid special attention to the things I was most worried about. The edit letter was very detailed and kind, and she made sure to give examples for each suggestion. After receiving the feedback, I had a good idea of what I needed to look for in the future and was very motivated to get back to the story. I would absolutely use her services again!"

    —Kassandra T.

One of my favorite sayings is, “Draft the book for yourself. Edit for your audience.”

But like most quotes, it’s a lot easier said than done. Figuring out what work your book needs can only be achieved by getting readers. Take away any uncertainties by hiring an experienced editor who can see your vision and guide you on how to accomplish it.

My job is to enhance your book by:

  • Eliminating inconsistencies in characters and plot

  • Ensuring each scene is engaging and essential

  • Establishing strong characters and worlds

Invest in your story

Things I don’t do:

  • Copy Edits. I know grammar basics and will point out what I can, but I’ll never be able to help you place a comma like I can help you pace a fight scene. 

  • Tell you whether your book will make it in publishing. Personal preference defies any reassurance of success. All I can do is help improve what you have and then we all hold our breaths to see if it soars.

If you're unsure about hiring an editor, consider a partial critique. Why? Because I can gain valuable insights from a brief sample and offer numerous ways to enhance both your writing style and scene delivery. My edit letters are designed with your revisions in mind, and I provide improvements that can be applied to the rest of your novel. Need to lower your novel’s word count? I can analyze your prose and offer actionable steps to cut thousands of words without changing the story.


  • I have been told I’m “gently ruthless” with my edits. Imagine one of those teachers who pushes you to be the best but will also do anything for you and gives you gold stars.

    I never hold back with my feedback because I truly believe in making sure I give you as much help as I can. However, I like to be encouraging and point out the things I love about your work.

    I enjoy walking people through my ideas with thorough explanations because I’m passionate about helping you grow as a writer.

    I am heavy on line edits because that’s what I really enjoy doing. I find most writers have amazing ideas and great scenes, but they’re held back by the line-level execution. I aim to help smooth those issues to let your story shine.

  • MG: fantasy, mystery, and adventure

    YA: fantasy, romance, mystery, and thriller

    ADULT: romance, thrillers, fantasy, and sci-fi

    My sweet spot is fantasy and romance, especially if put together

  • For Query Critiques, I’m not a fit for non-fiction or picture books projects.

    For manuscripts, I’m not a great fit for issue-heavy contemporaries, horror, or books in verse.

  • I require all services under $200 to be paid in full when you send me your project. I will not start working until I am paid.

    For larger amounts, my payment breaks down to:

    50% of the total amount must be paid upon manuscript delivery.

    The final 50% must be paid upon completion of the service. This ensures I get paid for my work.

    NOTE: For larger projects, I have a contract for us to sign to ensure your money and story are taken care of properly by me. I want you to feel confident and secure when you book me.

  • An invoice will be sent through email for each service. I use PayPal to send my invoices which allows multiple forms of payment.

  • If you need to cancel a service, let me know as soon as possible through my business email:

    Since services under $200 are paid when I receive your materials and start working, they are non-refundable.

    For any services over $200, the 10% booking fee is non-refundable when you cancel. If you cancel before delivery of your manuscript, the other payments will be waved.

    If you cancel after I’ve begun edits on your manuscript, the already paid amounts of 10% booking fee and 40% delivery are non-refundable. If I do not complete your service as agreed upon, you will get a full refund.

    Please let me know if you need to cancel as soon as possible so your slot can be given to someone else.

Let’s Grow Your Book Together

A seven-step guide from a querying veteran that walks you through the process of going from a final draft to sending off your query. Within, you’ll find:

  • Revision and formatting tips to ensure your book is ready to submit

  • A query construction guide with tips on writing punchy stakes

  • A downloadable template for compiling agent information

  • How to find and screen literary agents

  • $10 off a Query Package Critique

*Designed for Middle-Grade, Young-Adult, or Adult fiction writers

“Before meeting with Jessica, I worked hard on this query letter. I read articles, watched videos, and had many smart authors give me feedback. It still came out as a synopsis and was far too wordy.

Working with Jessica, we edited again and again until it worked. Now, it has the facts, the main hook of the story, my ‘voice’, a feel for the characters, and is under 350 words. I could not have done this without Jessica by my side.”

-Shannon MacKinnon